When horses feel..
Do you know that even horses feel? Here I am, to recount that incident that took place with me and showed me how horses react when they are not mentally stable but we force them to do anything against their wish. It was early morning and I was at the barn saddling up one of the dearest and disciplined mares, Silky, for the riding lesson. She is a beautiful mare. Its never been that she ever disappointed any rider who rode her. There was a resistance while putting the horse bit on. That was pretty strange for me to accept. Saddling up became difficult as she signaled to hurt me. After a great deal of drama, I could finally saddle her. But then she resisted to move to the ground where the lessons take place. It was like fighting a battle. I could make out there was something in her mind that made her do so but couldn't figure out what that was. After reaching to the ground, I occupied my seat on her and started to trot. Again, she was there speeding in the trot than her usual...